Our Universe is anything but random; The constellations that we can view from our vantage point on Earth were CREATED.
There is an intelligence to the design, a Supreme Creator;
Genesis says God created the Sun Moon and Stars as SIGNS.
There is a much deeper truth and meaning to the Sun signs that you are born under, than anything you may have learned before now!
The Story written in the stars is widely recognized and has been embedded in the traditions of Jewish culture for thousands of years, a normal part of all their festivals and holidays. In fact, it’s about as common as picking up a magazine to consult your horoscope is in todays western culture.
So, what is the correct belief?
The truth is there are such stunning correlations between the constellations and associated star names contained within, and the messages all throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, that when examined objectively, it’s nearly impossible to dismiss as coincidence.
This heavenly story not only testifies to the existence of an intelligent Creator God, but when viewed side by side, the constellations and the Messianic scriptures serve to further define and corroborate each others main themes and overall message to Humanity.
The story written in the stars declares the existence of a Victorious Redeemer, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Son of the Most High God.
Scorpio Testifies Of: The Price Of Conflict Paid To Crush The Enemy
The Hebrew name of the constellation Scorpio is Akrab, meaning ‘the conflict, or war’. Scorpio is also a symbol of the Hebrew Tribe of Gad.
Scorpio is known to signify Death.
The brightest star in the body of Scorpio is a Red star called Anteres, meaning ‘the wounding of the enemy’, while another star in scorpio is called Lesath, meaning ‘the perverse’.
The promised Redeemer would pay a heavy price in conflict with the enemy; it would cost His life, yet this death would in turn deal a crushing blow to the enemy.
It is significant to mention that there is a parallel constellation to Scorpio called Ophiucus, which depicts the figure of a man with his foot coming down to crush the scorpion, while the stinger of Scorpio points to the heel of the man.
In Genesis we read that although the serpent would “strike his heel”, the seed of the woman would. “crush his head.” - (Genesis 3:15)
The star at the heart of Scorpio is the 16th brightest star in the heavens. The number 16 represents the LOVE OF GOD.
The Messiah loved us so much that he was willing to take on death for us.
“He will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces, He will remove the reproach of His people from all the Earth, for the Lord has spoken.” - (Isaiah 25:8)
What does all of this mean for YOU Scorpio?
Imagine for a moment an Infinite Being capable of creating the vastness of the Universe; He placed the stars and the constellations in the sky so that they could be studied and understood by His creation here on Earth. The same God who created Time and Space also created LOVE; He created you because He loves you.
These SIGNS in the Heavens were meant for YOU- so that you could know Him! The most profound relationship you can have in this life, is a relationship with your Creator. Your true Identity and Purpose is revealed to you by knowing Him.
Happy Birthday!